Five TED talks that anyone working with data needs to watch
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Five TED talks that anyone working with data needs to watch

Not sure where to start when it comes to TED talks? We've curated some of our favourites around data.
Nez Palay laughing
Nez Palay
Content specialist
28 July 2019

Do you work with complex amounts of data? Are you interested to know if the IoT is a revolution or overhyped? What about blockchain and cyber security? Here’s five TED talks we’d recommend you watch.

  1. How blockchain and AI can help us decipher medicine’s big data

At accesstel we handle 37 million data measurements daily. We understand that knowing how to use this data, navigate and comprehend it can be a massive undertaking.

Complexity specialist Gunjan Bhardwaj understands this too. He applies this to the health and medical industry. Healthcare is ‘data rich’ and the complexities of sifting through it swiftly and quickly are numerous; not just for patients, but also for practitioners! At the present rate, medical knowledge will double every 73 days. Gunjan and his team see artificial intelligence and blockchain as a solution to this problem.

  1. IoT and Machine Learning – changing the future

The Internet of Things (IoT) is topical. It’s often been debated whether it’s a revolution or overhyped. We are currently using machine learning to help derive actionable insights that provide real business value to our customers. So, this talk by Dr. Dennis Ong immediately piqued our interest. With real world examples he demonstrates how he truly believes we’re entering a new technology era.

  1. How AI can bring on a second industrial revolution

We don’t need to fear AI but embrace it. Kevin Kelly, a digital visionary, believes that AI will be what drives our society in the next 20 years. Here he explains three trends we need to understand in order to fully use it. His thoughts on the ‘symphonies’ of intelligence particularly interested us as we’re constantly questioning the term ourselves.

  1. How AI can enhance our memory, work and social lives

The co-creator of Siri, Tom Gruber shares a similar vision to Kevin and us: AI is here to empower humans with machine intelligence. It is not competing or replacing us. Tom even gives an engineering example which is right up our alley as we explore new ways to manage data.

  1. How to keep human bias out of AI

Technologist Kriti Sharma is equally not as concerned about AI and robots taking over from us. Her concern is around human bias. Human bias effects our decision-making process every day, and we may not even realise it. As we continue to work more with AI, it’s important that we don’t let our perception infringe on new technology. Kriti explores three ways we can start making ethical algorithms.